[267] Diacu, Florin; Marjorie Senechal (2016) Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science. {PDF, 8pp. Breve descripción de un taller de escritura creativa en la estación BIRS} {Acceso 2025@02.09} Nota: Las referencias [1]-[266] se encuentran más abajo en esta página, después de las citas selectas.
«When we fully apply ourselves, we will accomplish far beyond our expectations.»—R. M. M. Schneerson (obm)
[Rev. 2025.02.09♦] Esta página contiene una selección de recursos para Desarrollo Profesional (en el sentido amplio e incluyendo algunas citas para reflexión), principalmente orientada a Estudiantes, y Maestros(δ) de Matemáticas. Incluye aspectos de matemáticas educativas, educación en general, responsabilidad social y desarrollo humano. No ofrece por el momento un programa de estudio particular, sino más bien, presenta los recursos en la Web, con comentarios ocasionales sobre su relevancia. ■Nota: antes de los recursos, se comparten algunas citas relevantes y referencias especiales. Gracias. |
Referencias preliminares selectas
- ■Sociedades Matemáticas selectas: { SMM || AMS | MAA | SIAM || CMS || RSME || LMS || SMF }
- ■Asociaciones de Investigación Matemática: { ♦AMR }
- ■Oportunidad de Desarrollo disciplinar:
- —♦■01■♦Cursos Online de Matemáticas a nivel Posgrado Fields Academy Graduate Courses (2023-2025)
- —♦■02■♦Matemáticas a distancia: ◄Aprende matemáticas universitarias► (FC-UNAM) [@2024.10.30]
- —♦■03■♦Course Materials Hub! (From the Mathematical Institute, Oxford University). UK @2024.12.23
- —♦■04■♦Recurso para Desarrollo académico-docente: The K. Patricia Cross Academy (Downloads) [2022.05.15]
- ■Refs. sobre las Matemáticas del Cambio climático:
- —Budd, Chris (2018) The Mathematics of Climate Change. Gresham College. @2022.0711
- —MacKay, David (2008) Sustainable Energy — Without the hot air. Book and site. @2022.07.11
- —Mackenzie, Dana (2007) Mathematics of Climate Change: A new discipline for an uncertain century. MSRI. @2021.10.30
- —Majda, Andrew J. (2020) Challenges in Climate Science and Contemporary Applied Mathematics. @2021.10.30
Citas para reflexionar y disfrutar
[A] «Mi solicitud es: ayuden a sus estudiantes a ser más humanos. Sus esfuerzos nunca deben producir monstruos doctos, psicópatas hábiles, Eichmanns educados. La lectura, escritura y aritmética son importantes, sólo si nos ayudan a que nuestros niños sean más humanos.» —De carta escrita por un sobreviviente del Holocausto, publicada por el Dr. Haim Ginott. [⇒se le invita a leer la carta completa en inglés: HERC, así como el artículo con video “Haim Ginott Theory Explained” de hrf]
[B] “The teacher’s own mathematical discourse is the model for the learners to follow, and the question is whether its explorative nature gets through to the students clearly enough. The teacher must remember that a conscious effort on her part may be necessary to make it visible.” —I. Lavie / A. Steiner / A. Sfard in “Routines we live by: from ritual to exploration” [see also: ICMI AMOR]
[C] “When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” [“Cuando el amor y la destreza trabajan juntos, espera una obra de arte“] —John Ruskin
[D] “You should have education enough, so that you won’t have to look up to people; and then more education so that you will be wise enough not to look down on people.” [«Debes tener suficiente educación para no ver a los demás como superiores; y luego más educación para tener la suficiente sabiduría, de forma que no los veas como inferiores.»] —M. L. Boren.
[E] «La vida no es fácil, para ninguno de nosotros. Pero… ¡qué importa! Hay que perseverar y, sobre todo, tener confianza en uno mismo. Hay que sentirse dotado para realizar alguna cosa y esa cosa hay que alcanzarla, cueste lo que cueste.» —Marie Curie [Ref. Toni Montesinos, del libro de Adela Muñoz Paez]
[F] «No esperes. Si te importa algo, hazlo ahora. Si lo pospones, quién sabe qué circunstancias pueden intervenir para evitarte completar la tarea.» —R. Avi Strausberg.
[G] “La única forma de aprender matemáticas es hacer matemáticas.” —Paul Halmos (obm)
[H] “Su gran fortaleza fue una concentración interna sobre lo que quería lograr, sin preocuparse sobre las opiniones de los demás, disfrutando sencillamente el proceso de pensar y entender.” —Vondrák, Jan (2020) In Memoriam: Maryam Mirzakhani, Bulletin of the AMS 57(3) 357-358.
[I] «Si encuentras algo inesperado, detente y explóralo.» —Paul Erdös [Consejo dado al Prof. Alexander Lubotzky, cuando éste era estudiante de doctorado. →Fuente]
[J] “M: How do you work, Andreï Nikolaevich? K: Real scientific work? Usually it goes as follow: You read books, you prepare your own lectures with some new variations, and suddenly, an unexpected idea springs up of the soil of this everyday work: what if the problem at hand can be solved entirely differently from known approaches? Another way becomes vaguely visible.. Then for a mathematician, and probably for any other scientist, it is overwhelmingly important to set aside everything else and simply think, think unrestrictedly on this new way which has just appeared. Fortunately I usually had the opportunity to do this. ” —Kolmogorov [Mathematical Intelligencer 23(1) p. 37, 2001.]
[K] “En mi opinión, un matemático tiene que alcanzar distintos niveles. Uno de los más básicos consiste en comprender, por ejemplo, la cátedra que imparte un profesor; otro implica comprender una lectura; otro más avanzado, poder reproducir y explicar lo que se ha entendido previamente, y el más sublime de todos, creo yo, es hacer matemáticas: detectar las preguntas correctas y buscar, descubrir, develar y poder demostrar alguna verdad.”—Amanda Montejano (♥Matemáticas de colores, FCE, p. 14) [Video selecto]
[L] “I took the books and I solved the problems. You train yourself and it becomes easy. You start to see the beauty and the challenge and the complexities... [Talking about Gustave Choquet] First advice he gave me: ask a problem in its simplest setting where it makes sense, and forget all the extra structure.” —Michel Talagrand [1:25-1:32, 1:43-1:53 min Shaw Prize 2019 Video] {added 2024.06.01}
[M] “Whenever you spot a disconnect between what your gut is telling you and what is supposed to be rational, it’s an important opportunity to understand something new. And then you can start this game of back-and-forth. Can you articulate your gut instint and place it within a rational discussion? If there’s still a disconnect, can you visualize why? As you play that game, your imagination will gradually reconfigure. And in the end, if you’re persistent, your insight and your reason will align, and you will be smarted. This is mathematical thinking.” & “Genius is not an essence. It’s a state. It’s a state that you build by doing a certain job.”—David Bessis [in Houston-Edwards, Kelsey (2024) Mathematical Thinking Isn’t What You Think It Is. Quanta Magazine] {added 2024.11.24}
[..Z] “We must be persistent: if one method doesn’t succeed, try another. We must be totally immersed in our noble pursuits, even dreaming about them, not just acting as a hired hand. We must fully use all the resources available to us, and remember that accountability is crucial for success. And above all, wherever we go, we must look for new opportunities to perfect ourselves and society.” —R. M. M. Schneerson (obm)
♦►Si gusta explorar citas adicionales, se le invita a nuestra ♦página de Citas selectas♦.
Nota: el listado de los recursos siguientes no está en orden alfabético, sino cronológico inverso en base a la fecha de acceso, señalada con @mm.dd (en el contexto del año indicado). |
Recursos web selectos (2018-2025)
- [267] Diacu, Florin; Marjorie Senechal (2016) Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science. {PDF, 8pp. Breve descripción de un taller de escritura creativa en la estación BIRS} @02.09
- [266] Rodal, Jocelyn A. (2016) “A Few Sheets of Paper Covered With Arbitrary Symbols”: Formalism, Modernism, Mathematics. {PDF, 131 pp. PhD. Dissertation} @02.09
- [264] Moreno Iraola, Laura (2014) Alberto Verjovsky (UNAM): “No hay otra rama que dé más libertad creativa que la matemática”. ICMAT. @01.19
- [263] Guzman, Laura; Ernesto Lupercio, Jacob Mostovoy y Alberto Verjovsky, Editores (2014) Recordando a Solomon Leftshetz: entrevista a Alberto Verjovsky. Universo.math Vol. 1, No. 1, art. 7 @01.19
- [262] Harris, Michael (2024) Using AI to cheat at the Joint Mathematics Meetings: ChatGPT is asked to reflect on how AI will ruin mathematics. From: Silicon Reckoner at Substack.com @01.17
- [261] Rota, Gian-Carlo (1997) Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught. Notices of the AMS v44 n01 pp. 22-25. {Nota: puede ver la síntesis de Jonathan Becher} @01.16
- [260] Boaler, Jo; et al. (2021) The Transformative Impact of a Mathematical Mindset Experience Taught at Scale. Frontiers in Education. {Nota: adaptación potencial al nivel universitario} @01.16
- [259] Davis, Diana (2019) Guide to creating a discussion-based math class, with a problem-centered curriculum. {Profesora en Phillips Exeter Academy} @01.16
- [258] Cepelewicz, Jordana (2022) In Music and Math, Lillian Pierce Builds Landscapes. Quanta Magazine. {see also: Dr. Pierce’s Duke Site | PATHS: a project of recollection by mathematicians | Essential Number Theory Journal} @01.14
- [257] Marshall, Laura (c. 2024) Math at work, the Harkness way. Phillips Exeter Academy {see: Math Teaching Materials: We use problem sets not textbooks} @01.14
- [256] Dominguez, Nora (2013) Mentoring Unfolded: The Evolution of an Emerging Discipline. Dissertation. University of New México. {see also: UNM Mentoring Institute} @01.14
- [255] Newport, Cal (2024) How I learned to concentrate: Twenty years ago, I had an intellectual experience that changed how I think about thinking. The New Yorker. @01.13 {see also: Slow Productivity book page, by the same author.}
- [254] PanIIT USA (2024) Outsmarting AI with Dr. Po-Shen Loh. IIT2024. {Video at YouTube} {See also site of Professor Po-Shen Loh} @01.13
- [253] Mazur, Barry (2009) “What should a professional mathematician know?”. @12.30
- [252] Mazur, Barry (2013) History of Mathematics as a tool. @12.30
- [251] Pan, S. C. (s/f) Retrieval Practice. Dept. of Psychology, UCSD @12.30
- [250] Etingof, Pavel (c. 2011) How to Succeed in Mathematical Research. Chief Research Advisor of Primus Research Program (MIT Mathematics). @12.08
- [249] Hersh, Reuben (2001) Mathematical Menopause, or A Young Man’s Game? Mathematical Intelligencer, V23, N03 (pp. 52-60). {Reuben Hersh in Memoriam: EMS | Santa Fe | Edge | JHM } @12.07
- [248] Bessis, David (2024) We’ve been wrong about math for 2300 years: A radical conceptualist take on the foundations of mathematics. In Substack.com {See also reviews of related book at: MAA | SIAM | E. Nehrlich | Silicon Reckoner | The Mettleist ; the outstanding interview-based article at: Quanta Magazine by Kelsey Houston-Edwards} @11.24
- [247] Velleman, Daniel J. (2024) Myths of Mathematics Teaching. NOTICES of the AMS, V71, N11 (pp. 1498-1500. @11.20
- [246] [OnceNoticiasTV] (2019) Javier Solórzano conversa con Ernesto Lupercio, investigador del departamento de matemáticas del CINVESTAV. Entrevista 20 Agosto. (fb) @11.03
- [245] Egan, Kieran: Madej, Kristina (2009) Learning in depth: Students as experts. Education Canada 49(2). @10.30
- [244] Chang, Alan; Greenfeld, Rachel (2024) Building Community and Keeping Momentum: Finding and Creating Community in Your Department (also in PDF). NOTICES of the AMS Volume 71, Number 8 (pp. 1032-1033). @08.20
- [243] Thompson, Daniel J. (2024). Do Mathematics Every Day (also in PDF). NOTICES of the AMS Volume 71, Number 8 (pp. 1037-1040). @08.19
- [242] Pierce, Lillian (2012) Mentoring, collaborating, and writing books: A discussion on the inspirational role of Elias M. Stein. Princeton University. @08.16
- [241] Simon B. (2024) Surprise, Surprise! (Re-)Grabbing the Attention of Students in the University Classroom Through Creative Touches. Open Access J Educ & Lang Stud. 2024; 1(4). @08.09
- [240] Banow, Ryan; Banting, Nat; Chernoff, Egan (2023). Studying Flourishing and Non-Flourishing in Mathematics: A Review of Francis Su’s Mathematics for Human Flourishing with reflections by Christopher Jackson. The Mathematics Enthusiast, Manuscript 1608 (vol. 20, nos. 1, 2 & 3, pp. 225-233). @08.08
- [239] Pashler, H., Bain, P., Bottge, B., Graesser, A., Koedinger, K., McDaniel, M., and Metcalfe, J. (2007) Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning (NCER 2007-2004). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://ncer.ed.gov. @08.07
- ♦[238] Riley, B., & Bruno, P. (2024). Education hazards of generative AI. Cognitive Resonance. https://www.cognitiveresonance.net/. @08.07
- ♦[237] Feuer, M. J., Berman, A. I., & Atkinson, R. C. (Eds.). (2015). Past as Prologue: The National Academy of Education at 50. Members Reflect. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education. @08.05
- [236] Córdoba, Antonio; et al. [Editores] (2011) All that Math: Portraits of mathematicians as young readers {Celebrating the Centennial of Real Sociedad Matemática Española}. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana. @07.16
- [235] Stanford Intro Studies (2012) [Video] Writing Matters: Ravi Vakil, Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University. @06.22
- [234] Stanford Intro Studies (2013) [Video] Writing Matters: Margot Gerritsen, Professor of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University. @06.22
- [233] Salomone, Matthew; Bjorge , Kathryn (2016) Building Effective Quantitative and Math Faculty Development, in G. Coulombe, M. O’Neill, M. Schuckers (Eds.) A Handbook for Directors of Quantitative and Mathematical Support Centers, Neck Quill Press. {Digital Commons, University of South Florida} @06.13
- [232] Cooley, L., et al. (2016). Student reactions to learning theory based curriculum materials in linear algebra – A survey analysis. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning, University of Plymouth: U.K. Accessed from: http://www.cimt.org.uk/journal/index.htm. {see also: current Journal site} @06.12
- [231] Montejano Peimbert, Luis (2022) Conferencia: Banach y su conjetura. (video YouTube, Canal: Fundación UNAM) {ver Semblanza en Ganadores PUN 2004}. @06.11
- [230] Karavi, T. (2024). Mathematical Discourse for Proof Teaching in University Mathematics Lectures: A Commognitive Approach. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.886198063. @05.31
- [229] Braley, Emily; Bookman, Jack; Akin, Victoria (c. 2021) Duke Mathematics Professional Development Program for Mathematics Graduate Students. Duke Mathematics Graduate Program in Mathematics. @05.12
- [228] Moutsios-Rentzos, Andreas; Simpson, Adrian (2010) The Thinking Styles of University Mathematics Students. Acta Didactica Napocensia. @05.12
- [227] Harpaz, Yoram (2018) Webbed Understanding: A Conversation for Understanding. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 6(1) & 6(2). @05.11
- [226] Bulnes, María Elena (2020) Understanding the Human Aspect of a Mathematician. [Chapter 1 of the book: A Mathematician’s Search for Technologies of Understanding the Universe, Edited by Helen Thrift, Yuri Stropovsvky and Francisco Bulnes (Honored). Cambridge Scholars Publishing]. {see also the newer book: A Tribute to the Iconoclastic Mathematician Dr Francisco Bulnes, By Helen Thrift, et al. (2023) Cambridge Scholars Publishing} {Dr. Francisco Bulnes en ResearchGate} @05.10
- [225] Sfard, Anna (2022) The long way from mathematics to mathematics education: How educational research… {Youtube channel: International Mathematical Union} @05.10
- [224] Harris, Michael (2024) Automation Compels Mathematicians to Reflect on Our Values. BULLETIN (New Series) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 61, Number 2, Pages 331–342. {también en formato: HTML}. @05.03
- [223] Duval, Raymond (2006) A Cognitive Analysis of Problems of Comprehension in a Learning of Mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics 61: 103–131. @05.01
- [222] Finkel, Donald L.; Monk, G. Stephen (1983) Teachers and Learning Groups: Dissolution of the Atlas Complex. From: (C Bouton and R Y Garth ((Eds.) ) Learning in Groups. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 14. @05.01
- [221] Ortega Pulido, Pedro (2002) La enseñanza del álgebra lineal mediante sistemas informáticos de cálculo algebraico. Tesis doctoral. Facultad de Educación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. @04.30
- [220] Shorkend, Daniel (2024) Think about art; Imagine with Mathematics: Transdisciplinary Research. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies 4(2):33-35. @04.19
- [219] Duval R, Saenz Ludlow A (2016) Comprensión y aprendizaje en matemáticas: perspectivas semióticas seleccionadas. [Prólogo de Bruno D’Amore. Comentarios a los artículos de Bruno D’Amore y de Carlos Eduardo Vasco Uribe]. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá (Colombia). @0411
- [218] Morales-Almazan, Pedro (2020) Improv practices in Mathematics Active Teaching. @04.07
- [217] Reis, Detlef (2023) The art of simplicity: Creativity at complexity’s far side. [Thinkergy.com] @04.02
- [216] Faculty of Mathematics (2019) Study Skills in Mathematics. University of Cambridge {See also: ►Past Examination Papers of the Mathematical Tripos} @03.29
- [215] Mena-Lorca, Arturo (2007). Why focusing in representation. From a semiotic to a purely mathematical approach. APEC-TSUKUBA International Conference III. @03.13
- [211] Durán Salas, Fabio (2023) Semiosis of conceptual learning of mathematical inequalities through semiotic meaning triads. EURASIA J. of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 19(12). @03.12
- [210] Kaplan, Jeffrey (2021) How to Read so that you “retain” information. YouTube video. {Lecture #9 de la excelente colección “How to do well in college“}. @01.16
- [209] Romney, Matthew (s/f) An Introduction to Mathematical Research for Undergraduates. Mathematics Department, Stony Brook University. @01.07
- [208] Intrator, Sam M. (2006) Beginning Teachers and the Emotional Drama of the Classroom. Education and Child Study: Faculty Publications, Smith College, Northampton, MA. Northampton, MA. {https://scholarworks.smith.edu/edc_facpubs/7} [See book: Teaching with fire: Poetry that sustains the courage to teach, by Sam Intrator & Megan Scribner] @01.03
- [207] Hästö, Peter; Star Jon R. (2023) Strategic flexibility in university mathematics. [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.12030.pdf] @12.26
- [206] Duong, Yen (2023) ♦Mathematician Rachel Ward Sees the Big Picture. Simons Foundation. {See also: Freedom through Imperfection: exploiting the flexibility offered by redundancy in signal processing. Rachel Ward (Dissertation) 2021} @12.26
- [205] Steen, Lynn Arthur (obm) (2007) On Being a Mathematical Citizen: The Natural NExT Step. {see also: Selected Papers} @11.19
- [204] Lady, E. Lee (c. 2008) How Does One Do Mathematical Research? (Or Maybe How Not To). {see also: Some Materials for the Graduate Algebra Course (1998)} @11.04
- [203] Hoechsmann, Klaus (1996) {Book review} King, Jerry P. (1992) The Art of Mathematics, Plenum Press, N.Y. {see also: Dover books edition | Google books preview | Obituario Jerry P. King (obm) } @11.04
- [202] Régules, Sergio de (2005) El hombre que sería científico, o el conocimiento como regalo. Revista Electrónica Sinéctica, núm. 27, pp. 40-42. @10.28
- [201] Taussky, Olga {obm} (2018) How I Became a Torchbearer for Matrix Theory. The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 95, No. 9, pp. 801-812. [Cortesía de Andrés E. Caicedo] @10.28
- [200] Goguen, Joseph A. (c. 2002) Reality and Human Values in Mathematics. @10.21
- [199] Johnson, Julie I. (2017) The Mentor and the Protégé: What, Who, and How? Dimensions, ASTC (Association of Science and Technology Centers). @09.24
- [198] Dorff, Michael, et al. (s/f) Successfully Mentoring Undergraduates in Research: A How To Guide for Mathematicians. @09.24
- [197] Willum Johansen, M., & Misfeldt, M. (2020). Material representations in mathematical research practice. (Preprint) @09.19
- [196] [The Abel Prize] (2022) Hillel Furstenberg: Why I went into mathematics (VIDEO) { The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Einstein Institute of Mathematics }. @09.05
- [195] [Simons Foundation] (2022) Chern Medal: Barry Mazur (VIDEO) {Harvard University}. @09.05
- [194] [Simons Foundation] (2022) Fields medal: Hugo Duminil-Copin (VIDEO) {University of Geneva and the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES)}. @09.05
- [193] [Simons Foundation] (2022) Fields medal: June Huh (VIDEO) {Princeton University}. @09.04
- [192] Connes, Alain. (s/f) Advice to the begineer. {Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques and Vanderbilt University} @08.29
- [191] Strømskag, Heidi (2018) Why do some people have problems comprehending mathematics? NTNU. @08.23
- [190] Skemp, Richard R. (1982) Communicating mathematics: Surface Structures and Deep Structures. Visual Language XVI 3 @08.23
- [189] Łaba, Izabella (2019) Rethinking universities in the era of climate change. @08.02
- [188] Łaba, Izabella (2014) Photography. {en Preprints} @08.02 (@2024.06.07)
- [187] Borovik, Alexandre (2007) Mathematics under the microscope. MIMS, University of Manchester. @04.07
- [186] Rosowski, David (2022) The Role Of Research At Universities: Why It Matters. Forbes. @03.11
- [185] Lockhart, Paul (2012) [Video] The World of Mathematical Reality. Canal de Harvard Univ. Press. {Paul Lockhart, es autor del libro titulado Measurement (Book Review en Columbia Magazine). Se le invita también a revisar el excelente artículo en The Marginalian.} @01.19
- [184] Lockhart, paul (2009) A Mathematician’s Lament. (Hospedado en MAA site) @01.19
- [183] Hernández Espíndola, Daniel, et al. (2016) Escritura y Desarrollo Cognitivo en un Mundo Intertextual: Diálogo con la Obra de Charles Bazerman. (PDF, 174pp). BUAP. @0116
- [182] García de Galdeano, Zoel (1911) Nuevo Método de Enseñanza Matemática. Zaragoza. Artes Gráficas, de Casañal, Coso. 98. [Nota: documento cortesía de la Fundación Juanelo Turriano (ver también su página de Publicaciones)] @01.14
- [181] Cepelewicz, Jordana (2022) He Dropped Out to Become a Poet. Now He’s Won a Fields Medal. [About mathematician June Huh]. Quanta Magazine. @01.08
- [180 Hartnett, Kevin (2017) A Path Less Taken to the Peak of the Math World. [About mathematician June Huh]. Quanta Magazine. @01.08
- [179] Avigad, Jeremy (2021) [Video] Varieties of Mathematical Understanding. The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences. @12.27
- [178] Avigad, Jeremy (2021) The Design of mathematical Language. Carnegie-Mellon University. @12.27
- [177] Müller, Dennis et al. (2022) A Hippocratic Oath for Mathematicians? Mapping the Landscape of Ethics in Mathematics. [–> PDF] Sci. Eng. Ethics 28(5) 41. @11.13
- [176] Harris, Michael (s/f, c. 2017) Do mathematicians have responsabilities? @11.13
- [175] Wismath, Shelly et al, (2015) Threshold concepts in the development of problem-solving skills. Teaching & Learning Inquiry 3:1 [->PDF] @10.30
- [174] [UCONN] Math 2705W—Technical Writing in Mathematics. University of Connecticut. {Excelentes recursos, y temas propuestos. Se recomienda leer la sección ‘The purpose of a “W” course‘.} [Texto recomendado: Vivaldi, F. (2014) Mathematical Writing. Springer. ] @1022
- [173] LeFever, Lee (2013) Battled-tested Tips for Effective Explanations. Harvard Business Review. {Sugerencias para una comunicación efectiva, temas generales} @1022
- [172] Hersh, Reuben; Umland, Kristin (2006) Mathematical discourse: the link from pre-mathematical to fully mathematical thinking. [El documento está en formato .doc; favor de acceder al mismo mediante el link en la revista] Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 19. (2do. artículo) @08.15
- [171] Baez, John (2019) Advise for the Young Scientist. Mathematical Department. U. C. Riverside in California @08.03
- [170] Schaffar, Birgit; Beck, Eevi E. (2022) Means and Meanings of Research Collaboration in the Face of a Suffering Earth: A Landscape of Questions. Springer Open Access. {This is a chapter in the Book: Academic Flying and the Means of Communication, by Bjørkdahl & Franco. Also in HTML} @08.02
- [169] Iserles, Arieh (2014) How to Write a Paper? Centre for Mathematical Sciences. University of Cambridge. @07.31
- [168] Calaprice, Alice (200) The Expanded Quotable Einstein (selección). Cortesía ©Princeton University Press. @0731
- [167] Mitchell, Steve (2002) How I Became a Mathematician. Univ. of Washington {obm: 1951-2017} @0711
- [166] Rosenblueth, Arturo (JGR, 1971) [obm 1900-1970] El método científico. ©CINVESTAV. IPN. SEP. Editado por J. García Ramos. {ver especialmente: (I) Las matemáticas y la ciencia, págs. 27-33; (II) Los aspectos estéticos de la ciencia, págs. 83-89} [Documento en UJED, como material de apoyo propedéutico] {Nota: se le invita a adquirir la 3era. edición (que incluye el libro Mente y Cerebro del mismo autor) publicada por Siglo XXI editores. 2005. } @0711
- [165] Billey, Sara (2020) How to Get a Ph.D. in Mathematics in a Timely Fashion. Univ. of Washington @0709
- [164] Billey, Sara (2021) 7 Things I Wish I Had Known as a Math Major. Univ. of Washington @0709
- [163] [UW-M] (s/f) Student Learning Outcomes. Office of Provost. University of Wisconsin-Madison. {Nota: Documento de referencia. Ver también las: Publicaciones del National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. NILOA} @0709
- [162] Smith, Karen; et al. (s/f) Finding your Advisor. LSA Mathematics. Univ. of Michigan. {ver también: Advice from Michigan Mathematicians, young and old, así como: Advice from Mathematicians around the Web.} @0705
- [161] Abreu-Mendoza, R. A.; et al. (2018) The contributions of executive functions to mathematical learning difficulties and mathematical talent during adolescence. PLoS One. 13(12): e0209267. @0525
- [160] Kontorovich, I. & Koichi, B. (2012) Feeling of innovation in expert problem posing. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education, 17(3-4), 199-211. @0507
- [159] Gagnon, George W. Jr. (2006) Healing Math Learners. Univ. of California at Berkeley. @0501
- [158] Lee, G. P. B. et al. (2020) Use Mathematical Writing as a Practical Approach to Increase Students’ Problem Solving Skills: A Case Study. The Mathematics Enthusiast 17(1) 239-273. @0501
- [157] Quealy, Cory (2014) The Importance of Writing in Mathematics: Why Writing Allows for a Deep Understanding of the Mathematical Content. The Review: A Journal of Undergraduate Student Research (15) 19-22. @0501
- [156] Abramovich, Sergei, et al. (2019) Teaching Mathematics through Concept Motivation and Action Learning. Education Research International [ver PDF] @0501
- [155] Berndt, Bruce C & Reddi, C. A. (c. 2019) Two Exams Taken by Ramanujan in India. @0501
- [154] Rämö, Johanna et al. (2021) The Extreme Apprenticeship Method. PRIMUS, 31:10 pp. 1106-1120. @0422
- [153] NAIP (c. 2018) Coaching Research. Sección III del documento sobre Investigación, en el NAIP Bank of Resources. {Nota: aún cuando la orientación es hacia el programa NAIP: New Audiences and Innovative Practices (European Master of Music), la lectura es muy recomendable también en el contexto de ciencias matemáticas. Se le invita también a explorar las otras secciones, y sus excelentes referencias.} @0422
- [152] Braun, Benjamin (2013) Personal, Expository, Critical, and Creative: Using Writing in Mathematics Courses. Department of Mathematics. Univ. of Kentucky. @0422
- [151] Lavie, Irit; Steiner, Aya; Sfard, Anna (2019) Routines we live by: from ritual to exploration. Educ Stud Math 101:153–176. @0419
- [150] Oaklay, Barbara (2014) How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Mathematics. Nautilus. @0417
- [149] Fernández de Santos, Federico (2008) Robert Aumann: emoción, empatía e inteligencia. (Entrevista) Executive Excellence. {Sección: Personajes con Talento} @04.13
- [148] Su, Francis (2022) Math Freedoms That All Math Explorers Should Enjoy. AFT (American Federation of Teachers). @04.09
- [147] Halmos, Paul R. (1985) I Want to Be a Mathematician. (Google Book Preview). MAA Press, Spectrum Vol. 61. @02.03
- [146] Farmer, David W. (2009) Career paths in research mathematics. AIMath. @02.01
- [145] Ben-Zvi, Dani; Sfard, Anna (2007) Ariadne’s thread, daedalus’ wings and the learners autonomy. Éducation & Didactique 1(3) 117-134. @02.01
- [144] Sfard, Anna (2001) Equilibrar Algo Desequilibrado: Los Estándares del NCTM a la Luz de las Teorías del Aprendizaje de las Matemáticas (primera parte) Revista EMA 6(2) 95-140. {ver Segunda parte: EMA 6(3) 207-249} @02.01
- [143] Blanks, Tamar L. (2022) My Summer at The Conversation. Notices of the AMS 69 (2) 298-299. @01.17
- [142] Mackey, George. (1982) Dear Stephanie (Letter 1). (ver también Letter 2). {Mediante estas cartas, el profesor George Mackey (1916-2006, obm), contesta a Stephanie Singer (amiga de su hija), respecto al campo del estudio e investigación del profesor Mackey, en un tiempo cuando ella trataba de decidir su carrera entre matemáticas y física}. @01.12
- [141] Reimers, F.; Marmolejo. F. (2022) University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic. Springer. {Open Access book}. @11.13
- [140] Klee, Steven (2018) The Joy of Mathematical Discovery. On teaching and learning mathematics (blog). Uno de los excelentes: Blogs, ofrecidos por (o en cooperación con) la AMS. @11.01
- [139] Paterson, Mike; et al. (2009) Maximum overhang. (Annotated paper). Original published by The American Mathematical Monthly. MAA. (ver también: mathcomm.org) @10.31
- [138] Leitch, Matthew (2009) How to write mathematics clearly and keep more readers. From: learningideas.me.uk @10.27
- [137] [Indeed Editorial Team] (2021) 10 Communication Skills for Career Success. @10.22
- [136] Gindikin, Simon (1993) Foreword to I. M. Gelfand Seminar. En Advances in Soviet Mathematics. Vol. 16, Part I. (Sergei Gelfand, Simon Gindikin, editores). {Preparado con motivo del cumpleaños 80 de I. M. Gelfand} Publicado por la A.M.S. @10.16
- [135] Skulachev, V. P. (2008) Genius (History of Science: I. M. Gelfand‘s Seminar on Biology). Russian J. of Developmental Biology 38(6) pp. 379-380. [∑ Se le invita al sitio web dedicado a Israel Moissevich Gelfald, uno de más grandes matemáticos del siglo XX] @10.16
- [134] Pérez Abreu, Victor (s/f. 2011+) Recomendaciones para estudiantes de primer año de carreras de matemáticas. [Se ofrecen sugerencias para: resolver problemas, leer matemáticas, escribir matemáticas, entender definiciones, elaborar apuntes, hacer tareas, presentar exámenes, aprovechar mejor las clases, trabajar en equipo, y administrar el tiempo.] @1009
- [133] Simons Foundation (2018) Watch: Four minutes with Terence Tao. Series Four minutes with. @0913
- [132] Lee, Jenny (2018) Self Regulation in College-Level Mathematics Classes. HMC Senior Theses. @0905
- [131] Bragg, Melvyn (2019) In Our Time – Emmy Noether (48:20 min). BBC In Our Time Podcasts. {Melvyn e invitados discuten las ideas de una de las más grandes matemáticas del siglo XX.} @0905
- [130] Löh, Clara (2017) Exercises in Academic Writing. Universität Regensburg. @08.18
- [129] CTE. Polishing Your Delivery Skills. Centre for Teaching Excellence, Univ. of Waterloo. [Parte de la extensa colección: Teaching Tips, que incluye: Tips for Students] @08.17
- [128] Radford, Luis (2016) Mathematics and Mathematics classroom activity through the lens of a metaphor. In M. Iori (Ed.), La Matematica e la sua Didattica/ Mathematics and Mathematics Education. In occasion of the 70 years of Bruno D’Amore (pp. 439-446). Bologna: Pitagora Editrice. @0812
- [127] Fifty, David (2020) Characterizing Student Engagement in a Post-Secondary Developmental Mathematics Class and Exploring the Reflexivity between Social and Sociomathematical Norms. Doctoral Dissertation. Univ. of New Hampshire. @0812
- [126] Kim, Yeon (2016) Interview Prompts to Uncover Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: Focus on Providing Written Feedback. The Mathematics Enthusiast: Vol. 13 : No. 1 , Article 6. @0811
- [125] Wilder, R. L. (1953) The Origin and Growth of Mathematical Concepts. Bulletin of the AMS 59:423-448. {Nota: el link en el apellido, lleva a la Memoria Biográfica del Profesor Wilder, escrita por Frank Raymond. National Academy of Sciences. 2002} @0804.
- [124] Ormond, Christine A. (2021) Teaching Classroom Mathematics: Linking Two Pedagogical Models for Promoting Student Engagement and Conceptual Connections. Australian J. of Teacher Education 46(4) pp. 35-62. @0804
- [123] Baccaglini-Frank, Anna (2021) To tell a story, you need a protagonist: how dynamic interactive mediators can fulfill this role and foster explorative participation to mathematical discourse. Educational Studies in Mathematics 106:291–312. @0804
- [122] Borba, Marcelo C. et al. (2016) Blended learning, e-learning and mobile learning in mathematics education. ZDM Mathematics Education 48:589–610]. Springer. @0802
- [121] Gadanidis, George; Borba, Marcelo (2008) Our Lives as Performance Mathematicians. For the Learning of Mathematics 28, 1 (44-51). @0802
- [120] Engelbrecht, Johann et al. (2020) Transformation of the mathematics classroom with the Internet. ZDM 52:825–841. Springer. @0802
- [119] Ziegler, Günther M; Loos, Andreas (2017) “What is Mathematics?” and why we should ask, where one should experience and learn that, and how to teach it. In: Kaiser G. (eds) Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. ICME-13 Monographs. Springer. @0802
- [118] Vivaldi, Franco (2013) Mathematical writing for undergraduate students. Queen Mary, Univ. of London. @08.01 [acc. @2022.07.29]
- [117] Dundas, Bjørn Ian; Skau, Christian (2021) Interview with Abel Laureate 2020 Hillel Furstenberg. NOTICES of the AMS. @0731
- [116] Rota, Gian-Carlo (1997) Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught. NOTICES of the AMS. @0731
- [115] Bundy, Danielle, et al. (2004) Good problems: teaching mathematical writing. Univ. of Colorado, APPM Preprint #466. @0730.
- ♥[114] Hamada, Michael; Sitter, Randy (2004) Statistical Research: Some Advice for Beginners. The American Statistician 58:2, 93-101. @0717
- [113] Sfard, Anna (1995) Reification as the birth of metaphor. Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der B-wetenschappen 13 nr.1:5-25. @0710
- [112] Sfard, Anna (c. 2007) Anna Sfard Unit. ICMI Awards. AMOR (Awardees Multimedia Online Resources). {Actualmente con cuatro excelentes módulos presentados mediante videos disponibles también en YouTube; además contiene apuntadores a valiosas referencias que complementan y enriquecen las temáticas.} @0710
- [111] Kennedy, Mary M. (2019) How We Learn About Teacher Learning. Review of Research in Education 43: 138-162 [⇒PDF] @0708
- [110] King, T. (2021) Episode 12: Live with Stephanie Dunson: Embracing the Messy Parts of Academic Writing. Live Postcast. [Faculty Focus] @0617
- [109] Su, Francis (2017) Mathematics for Human Flourishing. The Mathematical Yawp. [see also: Francis Su’s public-facing webpage]. @0603
- [108] Kuzniak, Alain; Elizabeth Montoya-Delgadillo; Laurent Vivier (2016). El espacio de trabajo matemático y sus génesis. Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática 11:15 (237-). @0526.
- [107] Gómez-Chacón, Inés Mª; Alain Kuzniak; Laurent Vivier (2016). El rol del profesor desde la perspectiva de los Espacios de Trabajo Matemático. Bolema, Río Claro (SP) 30:54 (1-22). @0526
- [106] Clements, M. A. (Ken) (1984) Terence Tao. Educational Studies in Mathematics 15:3 (213-238). @0426
- [105] Wiegers, Brandy; Comp. (2020) Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Mathematics in the Age of Physical Isolation. UR SIGMAA & CUR Division of Mathematics and Computer Science. @0425
- [104] Garfield, Joan; Everson, Michelle (2017) Preparing Teachers of Statistics: A Graduate Course for Future Teachers. J. of statistics Education 17:2. [Taylor & Francis Group] {Con opción de audio} @0425
- [103] Stronge, J. H. (2018) Qualities of Effective Teachers. 3/e. ASCD. @0425
- [102] Witt, R. et al. (2010) A Guide to Becoming a School of the Future: A 21st Century Imperative. NAIS commision on accreditation. @04.25
- [101] Hammill, Lin (2010) The Interplay of Text, Symbols and Graphics in Mathematics Education. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal Vol. 3 Issue 3. @04.06
- [100] Wood, Leigh N. (2012) Practice and conceptions: communicating mathematics in the workplace. Educ Stud Math 79:109–125. @04.06
- [99] Carnegie, Dale (2017) Hable más efectivamente. eLibro (PDF, 23pp). © Dale Carnegie & Assoc. Inc. @04.06
- [98] Jorge Luis Borges, entrevistado en la televisión norteamericana (subtitulado). Canal de YouTube: Barquillo de papel. {ver también 1). una breve reseña (por Francisco Payró) sobre su libro ♦Arte Poética: seis conferencias, las cuales impartió en la Univ. de Harvard, y 2). el artículo ♦Borges y la matemática, de Hernando Gutierrez Hoyos.} @04.06
- [97] Davis, Philips J. (2006) Mathematics and Common Sense: A Case of Creative Tension. [Sample] A. K. Peters. @04.06
- [96] Hersh, Reuben; Vera John-Steiner (2011) Matemáticas: una historia de amor y odio. En Libros Maravillosos. @04.06
- [95] Jablonka, Eva (2008) Understanding “hidden rules”: the challenge of becoming a competent member of a mathematics classroom. ICME 11. México. @04.06
- [94] Sfard, Anna (2011) Doing What We Preach -Learning Through Conversation. A commentary to “Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue”. [LRDC, University of Pittsburgh, PA,] @04.01
- [93] Bombal, Fernando (2003) Laurent Schwartz, el matemático que quería cambiar el mundo. La Gaceta de la RSME, Vol. 6.1, págs. 177-201. {@03.05 Aniversario de su nacimiento.} [Nota: los números de La Gaceta, son de libre acceso excepto los dos años más recientes.]
- [92] Allen, David (2019) Where is the Kernel of the Creative Process? [in: GTD] @02.27
- [91] Butterick, Matthew (2012) Reversing the tide of declining expectations. {“Be courageous. .. Invest your humanity. Because that’s what design wants from you. That’s the highest form of design.” @02.27
- [90] Abrams, Roy (2012) Yuri Manin. Science Lives. Simons Foundation. {Videos divididos en capítulos, de entrevistas a grandes matemáticos contemporáneos} @12.31
- [89] ∏Mazur, Barry (2020) The Consolation in Math in Plague Time. Springer Nature Switzerland AG; A. Wonders (ed.) Math in the Time of Corona, Mathematics Online First Collections. @12.31
- [88] ∏Mazur, Barry (2020) Math in the Time of Plague. The Mathematical Intelligencer 42:1-6. @12.30
- [87] Brooks, Jesika (2019) Don’t Reread, Retrieve: The Benefits of Retrieval Practice. Medium.com @12.30
- [86] Romero Contreras, Arturo (2020) Entrevista con Luciano Boi . ¿Qué es la topología?. Matemáticas, ciencia, filosofía y arte. Avatares de la forma II. Revista Tópicos del Seminario 43, pp. 213-265, BUAP. @12.30
- [85] Romero Contreras, Arturo (2020) Topología: vecindad entre matemáticas y filosofía. Introducción a la entrevista con Luciano Boi. Avatares de la forma II. Revista Tópicos del Seminario 43, pp. 183-212, BUAP. @12.30
- [84] Sabin, Jonathan (2020) Prove It: Investigating Mathematical Proofs as a Writing Genre. @12.30
- [83] Sundstrom, Ted (c. 2017) Conventions used in Mathematical Proof Writing. @12.30
- [82] Leinster, Tom (c. 2017) Tips on mathematical writing. @12.27
- [81] {PROMYS} (c. 2020) Reading List. Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists. @11.24
- [80] Mumford, David (1998) Trends in the Profession of Mathematics. @11.24
- [79] Matsumoto, David () [Video] La importancia de la comunicación no-verbal. BBVA Aprendemos Juntos. @11.08
- [78] Larson, Matt (2016) [Video] Balancing the equation. A conference by The Math Forum of NCTM. @09.30
- [77] Hilton, Peter (1989) The Joy of Mathematics. (ver pp. 16-26 de Peter Hilton: Doctor Honoris Causa. Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona). @09.07
- [76] Robson, David (2020) La estrategia mental que puede transformar los sueños en realidad. BBC News. @08.29
- δ[75] Hersh, Reuben; Vera John-Steiner (1993) A Visit to Hungarian Mathematics. The Mathematical Intelligencer 15(2) 13-26. @08.20
- [74] Stevens, Dannelle D.; Joanne E. Cooper (2009) Chapter 2. Reflection and Learning from Experience. From the book: Journal Keeping. How to Use Reflective Writing for Learning, Teaching, Professional Insight and Positive Change. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing. @08.17
- [73] Henrich, Allison K. et al. (2019) Living Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey. AMS-MAA. @08.17
- δ[72] Kovács, László (2006) Teacher László Rátz. pp. 68-73 (en inglés). Parte del documento en húngaro: Némethné Pap Kornélia, Rátz László tanár úr. STUDIA PHYSICA SAVARIENSIA XIII. {ver: pdf-local para uso académico} @08.15
- δ[71] [OPSR] (2016) Strengthening Persistence in Math and Beyond: Accelerating Learning for Overage, Under-Credited Adolescents. {A School Redesign Model based on the work at North Queens Community High School} NYC Department of Education. Office of Postsecondary Readiness. @08.14
- [70] Cariñena, José F. (2004) Emmy Noether: innovación y creatividad en Ciencia. La Gaceta de la RSME 7(2) 347-369. @08.14
- [69] Corrales Rodrigáñez, Capi (2003) Matemáticas y matemáticas: vida y obra de Emmy Noether. @08.14
- [68] Brown, Peter C. et al. (2014) Make it stick: the science of successful learning. Fragment of Chapter 8. Harvard Univ. Press. {See also: Six tips for students} @08.07
- δ[67] Chevallard, Yves (1998) La transposición didáctica: Del saber sabio al saber enseñado. {Fragmento selecto para uso didáctico} @07.27
- [66] Skemp, Richard R. (1976) Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understading. {ver: Entrevista} @07.27
- [65] Polya, George (1965; R#15@1989) Cómo Plantear y Resolver Problemas. Editorial Trillas. @07.26
- [64] Shelton, Therese (c. 2019) Guide for Writing in Mathematics. @07.26
- δ[63] Saxton, Emily, et al. (2012) The Critical Thinking Analytic Rubric (CTAR): Investigating intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of a scoring mechanism for critical thinking performance assessments. Assessing Writing. An International Journal. Elsevier. @06.04
- δ[62] Paul, Richard; Elder, Linda (2005) A Guide for Educators of Critical Thinking Competency Standards. Foundation for Critical Thinking. @06.04
- [61] Fea, John (2013) William Cronon on the Traits of a Liberally Educated Person. @05.09
- [60] Hogben, Leslie; T. Christine Stevens (2019) Joining a Mathematical Research Community. NOTICES of the AMS. @04.25
- [59] Muñoz, J. (2017) La meta-economía de E. F. Schumacher como un punto de partida para un nuevo paradigma económico basado en un modo más humano de vivir (y convivir). UIC, Barcelona. @04.05 {Nota: documento para reflexión y análisis crítico.}
- [58] Lesser, Lawrence M. (2020) Statistical Poetry. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 10 Issue 1. {@02.06}
- [57] Faletto, Joanie (2016) Learn Anything in Four Steps With the Feynman Method. [curiosity.com] {@01.31}
- [56] Sieck, Winston (2019) 5 Study Skills to Accelerate Learning. From ThinkerAcademy: Critical Thinking and Study Skills for Teens {@01.27}
- [55] Houston, Kevin (2010) 10 Ways to Think Like a Mathematician. Pamfleto que acompaña al libro How to Think Like a Mathematician (como muestra ver archivo que contiene los capítulos 3 y 4) {@01.24}
- δ[54] Sfard, Anna; Thompson, Patrick W. (1994) Problems of reification: Representations and mathematical objects. In D. Kirshner (Ed.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education — North America, Plenary Sessions Vol. 1 (pp. 1-32). Baton Rouge, LA: Lousiana State University. {@01.24}
- [53] Castelló, Montserrat, et al. (2011) Leer múltiples documentos para escribir textos académicos en la universidad: o cómo aprender a leer y escribir en el lenguaje de las disciplinas. Pro-Posições vol.22 no.1 {@01.24}
- δ[52] Mondisa, Joi-Lynn (2014) Designing Sustainable Mentoring Programs: Examining The Role Of Social Community In The Stem College Student Experience. {2019.11.23}
- δ[51] Shanahan, Jenny Olin, et al. (2015) Ten Salient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentors: A Review of the Literature. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning {2019.11.09, 2023.09.24}
- δ[50] Wieman, Carl; Sara Gilbert (2014) The Teaching Practices Inventory: A New Tool for Characterizing College and University Teaching in Mathematics and Science. CBE—Life Sciences Education Vol. 13, 552–569. {2019.11.06}
- [49] Scheffer, Merten; et al. (2015) Dual Thinking for Scientists. Ecology and Society 20(2). {2019.11.04}
- [48] Wood, Leigh (2006) Graduate Voices: The Nexus Between Learning and Work. {2019.10.31}
- δ[47] Noll, Walter (1997) The Role of the Professor. Carnegie Mellon Univ. {2019.10.30}
- δ[46] Barendsen, Lynn; et al. (2011) The GoodWork Project ®: An Overview. Harvard University. [ver también GoodWork Project Website] {2019.10.29}
- [45] MacFarlane, Duncan (2006) How to get A’s in Engineering … by really trying!: Study tips for the hard working student. The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, UTD. {2019.10.29}
- [44] Mann, Eric L. (2006) Creativity: The Essence of Mathematics. J. for the Education of the Gifted 30:2 {2019.10.28}
- [43] Sinick, Jonah (2014) How my math skills improved dramatically. LessWrong. {2019.10.28}
- δ[42] Victor, Bret (2011) Some Thoughts on Teaching. {2019.10.28}
- δ[41] Levy, Rachel (2015) 5 Reasons to Teach Mathematical Modelling. American Scientist. {2019.10.28}
- [40] Folsom, Amanda; Alex Kontorovich (2019) Advice for the Campus Interview. Notices of the AMS. {2019.10.27}
- δ[39] Devadoss, Satyan (2019) Giving Good Talks. Notices of the AMS. {2019.10.27}
- δ[38] Zwiers, Jeff, et al. (2017) Principles for the Design of Mathematics Curricula: Promoting Language and Content Development. Graduate School of Education. Stanford. [♦HVR] {2019.10.24}
- [37] Kwik, Jim (2018) Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster. {2019.10.24}
- [36] Davis, Diana (2019) On Respect. Video {2019.10.16}
- [35] Davis, Diana (2018) On Learning. Video {2019.10.16}
- [34] Domin, Hilde (1971) ¿Para qué la lírica hoy? {pp. 10-14/16} Poesía 1. Venezuela. {Traducción de: Antonio de Zuviaurre}. Publicación original en: Revista Humboldt 37 (c. 1963 pc). {03o}
- [33] Szymborska, Wislawa (c. 1972) Allí sólo por Gracia. Traducción del poema “There but for the Grace” {p. 6}. Trad. E. Comer Barragán {26S}
- [32] Kofman, Fredy (2001) Metamanagement: La Nueva Con-Ciencia de los Negocios. Cómo convertir tu vida profesional en una obra de arte. (En tres volúmenes) Editorial Granica. Ver ⇒Resumen del libro, en Sinergia Creativa. {09S}
- [31] Arguedes, Vernor (2012) George Pólya: el razonamiento plausible. Revista digital Matemática, Educación e Internet 12:2 {08S}
- [30] Wiener, Norbert (1989) The Human Use of Human Beings. Free Association Books. {27G}
- δ[29] Hamming, Richard (1986) You and Your Research. Transcription of the Bell Communications Research Colloquium Seminar, March 7th., J. F. Kaiser. [⇒versión en HTML] + [⇒Síntesis en Cal Newport: Idea #1-8] {27G}
- [28] Ramón y Cajal, Santiago (1899) Reglas y consejos sobre investigación científica. {Se le invita especialmente a leer el ⇒Post Scriptum}[ ⇒PDF: este documento está indexado por párrafos. Se recomienda especialmente la lectura y reflexión de los párrafos 10-16, y 29-38] Ctro. Virtual Cervantes. {27G}
- [27] Domin, Hilde (2002) {Traducciones de varios de sus poemas}. Vox Virtual #13. Proyecto Lux. [Muestra de poema para uso didáctico temporal: ⇒Te invito] {27G}
- [26] García, Iván (2019) Hilde Domin en América Latina. Líneas de errancia (en Wix) {..”escribir es como besar…”} {27G, 2020.05.16, 2025.01.20}
- [25] IMAGINARY: open mathematics (Texts). {14G}
- δ[24] Davis, Diana (2017) Inquiry-based learning in a first-year honors course. arXiv. {14G}
- [23] Agnon, S. Y. (1961) Forevermore: A story. Commentary Magazine. {07L}
- [22] Liraz, Meir (2001) 9 Tips to Increase the Odds of Your Success in a Small Business . USA Gymnastics Online. {30J}
- [21] >▀ Birsel, Ayse (2017) If your life is your biggest project, why not design it?. TEDxCannes. {03Y}
- [20] [Museo de la Ciencia y el Agua] Mujeres Matemáticas. Cuaderno de una exposición temporal, en el Museo de la Ciencia y el Agua. {Contiene información, juegos y actividades para desarrollar la pasión y el talento matemático} [⇒Exposiciones relacionadas con material adicional] {08M}
- [19] Macho Stadler, Marta (2018) Mujeres matemáticas: trece matemáticas, trece espejos. RSME-SM. Madrid. {⇒link a primeras páginas} {08M}
- [18] Frankl, Viktor (1972). Why Believe in Others. Video en YouTube. {03M}
- [17] Paenza, Adrian (2019) Matemáticas para la Vida Real. BBVA Aprendemos Juntos. Video en YouTube. {03M}
- δ[16] [HelixCenter] The Beauty and Unity of Mathematics. Video en YouTube. 2018. {25F}
- δ[15] Chiru, I. M. (2017) Occasioning flow in the mathematics classroom: optimal experiences in common places. M. of Sc. Thesis. SFU. {25F}
- [14] Cubeiro, Juan Carlos (2018) Liderazgo y Felicidad. Instituto de Actitudes Positivas. Video en YouTube. {25F}
- [13] Kahneman, Daniel (2014) Pensar Rápido, Pensar Despacio. DeBolsillo/LeLibros. {19F}
- δ[12] Rovira, Álex. (2018) Tu mirada puede transformar a las personas. [YouTube] {17F}
- δ[11] Frenkel, Edward (2018) Berkeley Writers at Work. [YouTube] {07E}
- [10] Frenkel, Edward (2017) Mathematics as a new way of thinking. [YouTube] {07E}
- [9] Fernández Bravo, José Antonio (2019) “Cuaderno de viaje de un maestro“. [YouTube video] {06E}
- [8] Gonzalez, Liliana (2017) “Volver a mirarnos“. TEDxCordoba, Argentina. [YouTube video] {10o}
- [7] 1 Kornhaber, M. L. & Winner, E.; editors (2014) Mind, Work and Life: A Festschrift on the Occasion of Howard Gardner’s 70th Birthday. {11J}
- δ[6] 2 Krantz, Steven C. (2007) The Survival of a Mathematician: From Tenure to Emeritus . {09F}
- [5] 3 Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (2004) Flow, the secret to happiness. YouTube video. TED2004. {07F}
- [4] 4 Kahn, Norma B. (2003) Cómo aprender más en menos tiempo: Una guía para estudiantes, profesionales y para los que están continuamente aprendiendo. Editorial Amat. {Vista previa en Books de Google} {09F}
- [3] 5 Lasser, Ron (2006,2017) Communications and Life Skills. Article 4 of “Electrical and Computer Engineering Design Handbook“. Tufts University. {01F}
- [2] 6 Wirth, Karl R. & Dexter Perkins (2008) Learning to learn. Macalester College. {31E}
- [1] 7 Adler, Mortimer J. & Charles van Doren (2001) Cómo leer un libro: Una guía clásica para mejorar la lectura. Editorial Debate. {Desde Periódico Oficial, Jalisco} {acc. 20220711}